Acupuncture is a therapy using exceptionally thin sterile, disposable needles at specific points of the body. This practice motivates the movement of energy also known as “Qi” within the body allowing natural healing. Acupuncture helps to prevent illness & health problems by improving overall performance of the body’s immune system.
Our mission is simple.
To bring healing to the body and mind with the technique of ancient Oriental Medicine
with respect, thoughtfulness, integrity and compassion. To help patients achieve
the highest quality of life they can. Through the use of acupuncture, tui-na, Chinese
herbal medicines, and patient education, I help keep my patient's bodies and lives
in balance. Provide the highest quality of health care to every individual who seeks
treatment with patients so they may become an active part in the healing process.
Continue professional development & training so that I can continue to grow
& constantly provide my patients with new techniques.
Helena Lee
Licensed Certified Acupuncturist,
Certified Herbologist and
Registered Nurse
more about Helena...
Seah Kim
Licensed Certified Acupuncturist,
Certified Herbologist
more about Seah...
Grace Na
Licensed Certified Acupuncturist,
credentialed by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
more about Grace...
1318 Hamburg Turnpike
Wayne, NJ 07470
973 628 8335
Need Directions?
100 E Hanover Ave
Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927
973 538 8700
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